How to Grow Your Business – Even When You Have No Idea What You’re Doing


By: Emily Reynolds Bergh 

Truly loving your business and thriving off of what you do is the single most valuable key to business success.

Starting a business, let alone growing one, is not for the faint of heart. It takes time, patience and a lot of humility. In 10 years of owning my own business, our growing pains have had their own growing pains, but at this point, I can safely say they have transformed into gains.

I’ve learned the hard way that expansion is a necessary step in growth, but doing so in a manner that doesn’t feel like two steps back for every one step forward has been the most challenging part for me. Growth should be an exciting process that couples a thoughtful approach with some creative bootstrapping and an unwavering “go get ’em” attitude.

Sometimes growth proceeds only one slow step at a time, but that one step may be critical to the future of your business, so dedicate yourself to making each advancement as “right” as it can be, followed by another and then another. This will likely take some fine-tuning and adjusting. You couldn’t learn the ropes of first grade until you’d mastered kindergarten (yes, as a mom of five, parenting analogies consistently make their way into my writing!), and the same philosophy applies to business.

Here’s how to identify focused steps to take to grow your business.

Continue reading the full article here.

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