ProcureHub Suppliers

Supplier Marketing Packages: 

Once your organization has been verified by the ProcureHub team the following Marketing activities will begin:

  • Welcome blast on ProcurePro Consulting social media channels – Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
  • Welcome in monthly newsletter ‘On the Button’ 
  • Entrepreneur Spotlight Interview which will be posted on the website, social media platforms and used in email marketing 
  • Targeted email campaign highlighting your service or industry (not organization specific) 
  • Email campaigns to ProcureHub Community 
  • Logo placement on ProcurePro website 
  • Access to purchse Banner Ads and/or Feature Listings in the Marketplace
Future Offerings
  • Podcast Interview
  • Affiliate Links
  • Article Publication in On the Button newsletter 
  • Business Event Collaboration i.e. SME Expo, BizCon, Small Business Forum etc.